Dectospot (deltamethrin) - 250ml
Dectospot is licensed as a topical application for the control of lice and flies on cattle; for ticks, lice, keds and established blowfly strike on sheep and for lice and ticks on lambs. The active ingredient in Dectospot is deltamethrin, which is one of the most reliable and safest to use insecticides in the world.
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Dectospot is licensed as a topical application for the control of lice and flies on cattle; for ticks, lice, keds and established blowfly strike on sheep and for lice and ticks on lambs. The active ingredient in Dectospot is deltamethrin, which is one of the most reliable and safest to use insecticides in the world. Active Ingredient: Deltamethrin Target Species: Sheep and cattle Treats and Controls: Lice, Flies on cattle. Ticks, keds and blowfly in sheep Administration Method: Pour on Withdrawal Time: 17 days for cattle intended for meat or offal, zero hours for cattle producing milk for human consumption, 35 days for sheep intended for meat or offal, not permitted for use on sheep producing milk for human consumption. Dosage for cattle: 10 ml per animal. Dosage for sheep above 10kg: 5 ml per animal. Dosage for lambs under 10kg: 2.5 ml per animal. Always read the label and all enclosed information for Dectospot Insecticide before administering to animals! How to use Dectospot Apply a single dose with the special dispenser pack or the Dectospot Applicator on one spot on the mid-line of the back at the shoulders, as directed on dispenser or applicator gun pack. Lice on cattle: One application will generally eradicate all lice within 4 - 5 weeks during which time lice hatch from the eggs and are killed. It may be necessary on rare occasions to re-treat an animal 6 - 8 weeks later. Flies on cattle: Good control can be expected for 4 - 8 weeks where horn flies dominate. Treatment for fly control should not be repeated within four weeks. Ticks on sheep and lambs: Application will control ticks for up to 6 weeks after treatment. Keds and lice on sheep, and lice on lambs: Application will reduce the incidence of a biting louse or ked infestation over a 4 - 6 week period after treatment. N.B. For control of ticks, keds and lice on sheep, the fleece should be parted and the spot on applied to the skin of the animal. When using the Dectospot applicator, application to the skin can be achieved by inserting the T bar to separate the fleece and penetrate down to the skin level before squeezing the applicator handle. Apply directly to the maggot-infected area as soon as the fly strike is seen. One application will ensure blowfly larvae are killed in a short time. In the case of more advanced strike lesions, clipping out of stained wool before treatment is advisable. Features on Dectospot Treat and control lice and flies on cattle Treats ticks, lice, keds and blowfly in sheep. The active ingredient is deltamethrin Reliable and safe.
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