Premier Equine Studs Pointed For Varying Ground And Jumping
These studs have been designed with a point making them ideal for varying terrain, for example cross country courses when the going is difficult to gauge, these studs also provide grip when needed.
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These studs have been designed with a point making them ideal for varying terrain, for example cross country courses when the going is difficult to gauge, these studs also provide grip when needed.These studs are available in 4 different lengths, small being the shortest length and Xlarge being the longest length. The studs simply screw into a preformed hole within your horse's shoe made by your farrier. All of our studs require a preformed hole of 3/8” Whitworth standard thread.
We advise selecting the best stud based on ground going – soft or hard – and secondly based on your requirement for performance. We advise you use a rounded head on the inner hoof edge to help prevent injury from strike by the opposite leg.
Your stud kit should contain a variety of different shaped studs to suit your horse’s needs, a stud tap to clean the thread in the stud hole before use, an adjustable spanner and stud plugs.
Stud holes should always be plugged when not in use to prevent stone and debris from entering or damaging the hole.
In addition, you may find it useful to invest in a magnetic metal bowl which prevents them becoming lost and is also useful for finding studs when dropped on the grass.
We advise that you check your stud holes the day before a competition to ensure the threads on the shoe are intact and the studs will apply correctly.
After use, ensure you clean and store your studs in a dry place.
We advise the use of stud plugs to ensure the preformed hole remains clear of debris.
How to Apply the Stud
Before applying the stud it is important to ensure the preformed hole is clear of debris. It may be helpful to use a stud tap to help clear away any excess dirt.
Start by screwing the inner stud, turning it clockwise using your fingers, ensuring the thread of the stud neck enters the hole evenly.
Once the stud base is in contact with the shoe we recommend using a spanner and giving the stud a final quarter turn to secure in place.
Helpful Tips
You may find it helpful to invest in a magnetic bowl when applying studs. This helps keep the studs together while manoeuvring around the horse and is also useful for finding studs that may become lost in the ground.
Safety Note
You should always consult your farrier and vet before fitting studs. Damaged studs should always be removed immediately.
We advise that studs should be removed immediately after riding. Studs should be introduced to your horse slowly and not used for prolonged periods to ensure your horse becomes used to the altered traction given.
*No individual image for size Medium (16mm/5/8")
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